Persuasive Essay

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In 2013, right after the Supreme Court ruled DOMA uncostitutional, YouTube had launched a campaign entitled #ProudToLove. It was basically a compilation of videos showing us why we should celebrate that event. Two years later, Supreme Court of the USA rules in favor of same-sex marriage nationwide and, no different from the first one, YouTube launches another breathtaking video celebrating the new achievement. Both videos leave no doubts about why this is a moment to be proud.

I believe that as we grow up, there are a bunch of societal rules that we don’t quite understand at first and makes us confused most of the times, but that we end up agreeing and assimilating those as natural interactions. I grew up feeling a bunch of stuff that made …show more content…

It depends on how much that will wear you out, on the people you have by your side, on who you 'll hurt if you open up (even though it doesn 't make any sense to be hurt by that) and how much you just don 't give a fuck. But of course, in the context we live in, this kind of liberation will, at some point, be accompanied by an angst, it doesn’t matter how determined you are.
The fear of rejection, of being bullied and the butt of all the jokes. The fear of being labeled as whore, prude, faggot, dyke and so many other things. The fear of walking on the streets (the mere pronunciation of these words by a stranger on the sidewalk could make all the blood in our bodies to disappear).
So many times I’ve heard people “defending themselves” by saying they’re proud to be heterosexual and I’ve heard men say that they’ve been heavily harassed on the streets. Not surprisingly, these type of statement show up in most of the conversations I have about being a woman and how it can be like to be part of the LGBT community in this society. I’m sure that there might have been a situation in the life of a heterosexual cis gender man, when he felt intimidated or harassed. Not so sure about the heteropride thing. Either way, these arguments, most of the times, are a way of minimizing another person’s pain and, well, they’re empty, shallow and, basically, mean nothing to …show more content…

Last year in Brazil there was a huge repercussion over a kiss between two male characters of a soap opera that was very popular nationwide. It was hardly a kiss, their lips barely touched, but still, millions of infuriated traditionalfamilymembers were outraged by the director’s audacity. I remember seeing same-sex couples kiss in hundreds of movies and series as I was growing up. Gay marriage is much more naturally portrayed in the US television.
The only thing that really bothered me was, why do big companies have more visibility than the LGBT community in an event about LGBT pride? Why they are the main characters of a celebration of love and conquer of the LGBT fight? I bet that there were employers that left the event that day and made a joke about a coworker’s sexuality the same week. But that’s not even the point. The main question is, what are they really proud about? Being supportive of basic human

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