Revenge Is Not The Solution In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Revenge is not the Solution People often assume that revenge will make them feel better. This important theme is shown throughout Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein. The monster in this novel portrays this evil character because of the actions he took and because of revenge toward his creator, Victor Frankenstein. Revenge controlled the monster’s life and caused him to kill many of the people Victor loved. Revenge often motivates people to take actions toward their offender because they think that is will help console them. One of the biggest ways the monster shows the actions of his revenge is when he first meets William, Victor’s younger brother. The monster
He had asked Victor to create him another monster as a companion and if he doesn’t keep his promise, then he will be miserable. When Victor goes to England with the intention of creating this promised monster, his friend Henry follows him. After several months, Victor destroys the half created creature and this upsets the monster very much so because he wants this companion. When he kills Henry, the monster distinctly planned it so that Victor would be blamed for the murder. Through all this confusion on who killed Henry, Victor knew all along that the monster did it. At this point, Victor knew that he must return to Geneva to protect his family whom he loved very much (Shelley 181). Since this monster killed Henry, Victor knew that his family was now is in danger. The monster is very happy that Victor is having to suffer because, Victor is now feeling the loneliness that he feels all the time. Though the monster’s character is not evil, the pain he feels is what he wants his creator to feel. His revenge only increases throughout the book because he is only longing for a fellow companion that Victor can only give him, but yet he is choosing not to create it. The anger that is within the monster is only growing and this is increasing the possibilities of him hurting more

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