The Pros And Cons Of Reparation

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Reparations For 246 consecutive years, blacks have been kidnapped, whipped to death, mutilated, and raped. From 1619 to 1865, these generations of slave families were living as property rather than human beings. History would agree that the crimes done against these set of selected people do not compare to those of other races. Many people don’t know that there were sex slave farms that practiced a process known as “buck breaking”. “Buck breaking” was when a slave master would bind and whip his male slave for defiance. Then this master would proceed to rape the slave in the presence of all other slaves. It has been 151 years since such horrific tragedies, and the ruined descendants of these slaves have yet to be given reparations. Reparation is defined as “the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury”
In contrast the African American group of people have already been given some reparations from the government. The descendants of the slaves here in America are showered with government aid David Horowitz states that “trillions of dollars in transfer payments have been made to African-Americans in the form of welfare benefits and racial preferences in contracts, job placements and educational admissions”. Since the 60’s, acts and bills have been passed to return justice to the African-American community. For example the passing of the Civil Rights Act presented by President Lyndon B. Johnson. banned the discrimination of race. In addition, Horowitz asks “if trillion-dollar restitutions and the rewriting of American law is not enough to achieve healing, what is?”. Meaning the government has worked to better the social lives of African-Americans as well as economically. Though, the African-American people have already been given some restitution for being victims to the system of slavery, not enough has been

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