Food Availability and Selection

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Several lifestyle factors such as family, employment and interests influence our individual food selection. Employment can affect a persons choice of food as selection can be due the physical demands of a job and the weekly income. For instance if you were a builder the physical demand is higher than that of an office job. Occupations that are more physically intense require the individual to consume higher levels of foods that are rich in carbohydrates for energy whereas those that remain sedimentary need to be careful of their energy consumption. A person's employment status also affects the food selection because those that are employed are prone to have more money to spend on food but less time to prepare it compared to those that are unemployed. Education also helps to increase our knowledge about nutrition and the options that each of us have. Compulsory education programs in high schools give students access to vital knowledge that assists them in living a healthy and independent life. People also become informed about Australia’s health and wellbeing issues through government programs, magazine and television advertisements, handouts and brochures. The household structure and roles within a family can also impact on the food availability within a household. Dietary preferences and conditions such as gluten intolerance may influence what a family selects to eat as they may be forced to to prepare their meals in consideration for the food intolerance. This can also be affected by commitments to work, sport and leisure activities which may indicate that the family has to eat at separate times or consume different meals.Social factors also influence food choices. Staple foods that belong to a specific climate and geographical...

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...e in this country are able to survive comfortably. The cost of food and level of income is one of the most thought of influences when it comes to food selection. Generally, a person with a large income is able to afford a varied diet that is rich in all the nutrient groups. The cost of food varies according to the type of food, the amount bought, the place its bought,whether it is in season or not, the use by date, store specials and how much it has been processed. Those on lowered incomes may be forced to select discounted foods, generic brands, and buy in bulk in order to save money. The amount of available resources commonly limits what we can buy and prepare. If money is plentiful it enables you to choose to go out for a meal or have someone cook it for you, whereas if you are on a tight budget it requires knowledge, skill and food requirements to make a meal.

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