Internal And External Cost Of Quality

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Our company is the producer of tangible goods and as a quality department we must ensure that our customers are getting the highest quality product for the best value. We have identified three types of quality costs that will further safeguard our future excellence rating. By adhering to these quality considerations we believe that our customers will remain loyal and our company will continue to flourish. The three types of costs associated with quality are Internal and External Failure, Audit and Prevention costs. Industry standard quality-related costs run in the range of 10-30% of sales or 25-40% of operating expenses. Some of these costs are visible and some are hidden ("Cost Of Quality," n.d.). The cost of quality not only includes factory processes, but the support procedures contribute too. These costs are outlined below to show a proactive plan to prevent future defect related loss of revenue and to provide guidelines for changes to process as necessary.
Internal and External Failure Costs
Internal and external failure costs are those costs incurred from deficiencies discovered before and after delivery. These costs of quality can also be unseen expenditures such as the loss of sales revenue from the perception of product issues or of non-value added activities within operations. At a high level an internal …show more content…

By establishing thresholds as to the expected end result quality we can prevent the misinterpretation of requirements between various internal departments and external suppliers. Operations management will need to recognize that quality control is not about inspecting quality into products but about focusing on monitoring the production processes and derivatives. By engaging in monitoring activities early we will be able to discover problems early and corrective actions can be taken quickly and

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