Realism and Naturalism in American Literature Stories

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There are two dominate aspects of Realism (Social Rules & Morality), and two dominate laws of Naturalism (Environment & Determinism), that comes into play in the American Literature stories of Daisy Miller ,Frank James, and Jack London. According to one authoritative source (Britannica), realism in its basic form in Literature is a literary style in which the author describes the reality of persons (people) in detail to resemble their actions, emotions, and environment. The strengths and weaknesses are blended in with the characteristics of their flawed personalities by not being completely good or evil, weak or strong. The characters in the stories attempt to make their way through their social environment often coming into conflict with moral and governing rules. The term naturalism “describes a type of literature that attempts to apply scientific principles of objectivity and detachment to its study of human beings.” according to The World Encyclopaedia. In many cases the laws of Nature and the Environment portray a dominate presence.

In Frank Norris’ Daisy Miller the narrator didn’t sit in the Seat of Judgement nor stand in the Jury Box (E. Poloe Dockery). He instead allows the reader to witness a building atmosphere of contention between Daisy and Europe’s ruling class. The Old Money Elite along with American Patriots established what was acceptable and moral of that era. Mrs Costello became the face of high society with a voice of concern and outrage when Daisy decided to be the free spirit she was.

Oh the shame! For a woman seen walking in the night without a female escort with men was applauding. Here the author clearly shows dispute against societal norms, another aspect of realism, which is the conflict in relationsh...

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...d anxious. Why had they made it this far to just die!? Why had the seven mad gods of the sea rebuked them so harshly!? Who had played such a vicious game that they couldn’t win!? “The Game was fixed” and nature was rolling the dice. For Billy “the oiler” the dice came up snake-eyes, the rest lived because of Mother Nature.

It was obvious that both Jack London and Stephen Crane portrayed the plight of the men in their story as Emile Zola would say “human beasts”. The deductive reasoning of Naturalist would have made a scientific determination. Men of both stakes were surrounded by harsh vast wildernesses of nature.

Daisy Miller’s choices would also steer her destiny. She had more control over her life than the ruling class had over their happiness; however, the ruling class hindered her happiness as they attempted to bring her spirit into obedience.

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