Pulmonary Embolism is the Ultimate Blood Clot

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Pulmonary embolism, also known as PE, a “complication of blood clots in the lungs,” which causes “100,000 through 180,000” United States citizens to pass away each year. The Chairman of the Venous Disease Coalition made the statement that, “Every year more people die from preventable blood clots than from breast cancer, AIDS, and traffic accidents combined.” Deep vein thrombosis, also known as DVT, is the “blood clots that occur mainly in the calf and thigh deep veins” are another type of blood clots. However, with blood clots being as preventable as they are except for hereditary blood clots, people need to be aware of the symptoms and when to have the doctors check them out.
There are multiple symptoms for blood clots that everyone needs to know. “New swelling in arms or legs, skin redness, soreness or pain in the swollen arm or leg and a warm spot on the swollen arm or leg are just a few of the more noticeable symptoms.” There are not as many ways to prevent PE, however a couple are: “taking anticoagulant medicines daily, which helps stop new blood clots from forming and stopping the growth of existing blood clots.” Ways to prevent DVT are: “maintain a healthy weight, exercise daily, stop smoking, check blood pressure regularly, report any family or personal history of blood clotting to the doctors, talk to the doctors about possibly taking a blood thinner.” Blood thinners are a last resort when it comes to preventing DVT because they have major side effects.
Blood clots can be caused by numerous items that we do in our everyday lives.“Smoking, prolonged sitting or bed rest, surgery, pregnancy, family history of blood clots, obesity, and certain medications are all causes of blood clots.” Granted if a person has blood clots...

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Deep Vein Thrombosis Health Center. (2012, February 23). How to prevent deep vein thrombosis (dvt). Retrieved from WebMD website: http://www.webmd.com/dvt/deep-vein-thrombosis-prevent-dvt
Genetics Home Reference. (2013, February). Hereditary antihrombin deficiency. website: http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/hereditary-antithrombin-deficiency
Lung Disease & Respiratory Health Center. (2011, January 14). Pulmonary embolism. Retrieved from WebMD website: http://www.webmd.com/lung/tc/pulmonary-embolism-prevention
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2013, June 20). Causes. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic website: http://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/blood-clots/basics/causes/sym-20050850
Vascular Disease Foundation. (2011, March 5). Every five minutes someone dies from a blood clot or deep vein thrombosis. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/03/110305105233.htm

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