Pros And Cons Of Peer Pressure

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Have you ever stopped and realized that 30% of teenagers have shoplifted, over half of all teens will experiment with alcohol, and 40% have tried drugs all due to peer pressure? Also, did you know that the majority of teens with substance abuse problems, began using drugs or alcohol, as a result of peer pressure. This is bare proof that it needs to be taken more seriously because it is influencing people of all ages’ lives, every single day. I personally do not think any individual should ever feel pressured into something they are not comfortable with, or ever feel uncomfortable with their surroundings. Peer pressure is an extremely powerful thing, but also something we have complete power over. We all need to work together as a society, and make it known that this problem should be controlled, and possibly stopped. …show more content…

By this, I am talking about people getting into trouble, as well as the emotional effect it can have on someone. The term “peer pressure” mostly refers to teenagers and the effect it has on them. Teens feel pushed to be like other people, and want to fit in and be respected, which can change the way someone normally behaves or dresses, this is all emotional peer pressure. There can also be physical peer pressure, like I said before, 30% of people have shoplifted all due to this. Also, the majority of teens with a substance abuse problem resulted from peer pressure. Temptations, taunts, and threats can really hurt someone, or put them in a dangerous situation. There is also a lot of insecurity due to wanting to fit it in but not deal with the emotional as well as the physical side of peer pressure. Kids might feel as if giving into peer pressure will just magically solve their problems, but that is incorrect, in reality, it will just cause more

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