Patriotism: Changin Moral and Ethical Values

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Patriotism is not blindly following ones country as some politicians think. Patriotism is working to ensure our country lives up to our collective moral and ethical values both at home and abroad, as well as being critical of our country when it does not live up to those standards. Patriotism as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary is “The quality of being patriotic; love of or devotion to one's country” (“Patriotism”). That is it. It does not say you have to take any specific action like flying the flag, serve in any function such as the armed forces, or support any particular party for election. However, devotion is usually manifested in some type of behavior. In fact, the definition is open to interpretation and subjective at best. A patriot believes that the United States has the best system of government in the world today and espouse those views, even when it’ policies, foreign or domestic, at times, are wrong. Two of those ideals are speaking up and rebelling when the government exceeds its boundaries. Naturally, a patriot will speak out when he or she feels that the country is wrong and work to change those wrongs. When the country does not live up to their expectations, a patriot will petition legislators to make new laws or modify current laws to change those conditions. For example in 1870 during the Indian wars the United States Army massacred 200 Piegan Blackfeet Indians mostly women and children. The massacre outrage a few patriotic citizens back east who dared to speak out and the result was the rise up of a peace policy towards the Indians and a reversal of the United States extermination policy. A recent one is the Keystone pipeline controversy. After a State Department, report raising no key environmental con... ... middle of paper ... very little you can do to protest your governments polices other than voting. Part of that solution is voting. Many protestors, both left and right, democrat, republican, socialist, etc. have had their patriotism called into question at one time or another. For example in 2008 then Senator Obama called President Bush’s patriotism into question when he raised the national debt, and the favor was returned when President Obama increased the national debt in his presidency. The reality is that both are patriots. Citizens show their patriotism in many different ways, but they all have certain traits in common. They work to better our government and the international community to reflect our country’s collective views on our every changing moral and ethical values. Works Cited “Patriotism” Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2014. Web. 23 Jan. 2014.

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