Patriarchy Case Study

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Patriarchy: The Unknown Captivity of the Women’s Body
The patriarchal system hinges upon the domination of women through implicit and explicit acts of subjugation by men. The society we, as human live in, has been subjugated to this patriarchy since the hunter and gathers era, and only in the last century have we seen serious waves of feminism to challenge the patriarchal society we live in. Although the domination is not as obvious as we have seen in the past, there still remains patriarchy in the form: wage discrimination, leadership positions, and the focus of this paper sexualization of the women body. The problem posed of Jane and other women being asked and complying with the removal of clothing is a direct act of patriarchal norms that society has placed by …show more content…

Joe must take down the picture of Jane because she is uncomfortable and she has a right to control the viewership of her body. Furthermore, she was forced by a demanding society for the sexualization of the women body. Joe should be told that he was using his entitlement as a man to take advantage of women. In addition to Jane’s picture, Joe should take down the other girls picture regardless if they have not claimed about the picture placed on his website. As of the status quo, the experience of nakedness for the women is a ubiquitous encounter rather than judging the women based on merit. By taking down all the pictures that portray women as a sexual venue for pleasure, it begins to create the change towards an egalitarian society and hindrance of the master-servant relationship that has developed since the hunter gather era. Freedom in the society we live in cannot be maximized until the freedom of all genders are maximized. Maximization only occurs when those who identifies as any gender are equal, and the first step is to stop the domination of men to other genders specifically in the case of this paper, to

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