Nicole Hogue World's Most Dangerous Gang

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Six interesting new facts/ issues: 1. Counterculture (Pg. 48)- a group whose values, beliefs, norms, and related behaviors place its members in opposition to the broader culture The MS13 is a perfect example of a counterculture. They are a world within themselves. The gang is very organized and structured; there is hierarchy with the gang. There is a significant amount of money flow within the gang. A few ways the gang obtains money is by drug dealing, illegal weapons, vendors pay the gang to work in their territories and for their protection, and drug dealers also pay the gang to earn the right to sell drugs in their territories. There are laws and rules that a gang member must abide by. One very strict rule for a gang member is silence. If a gang member becomes informant and it is found out that they are, it will more than likely result in death for the informant. The breaking of laws and rules are punishable, even by death. They have a law system and law enforcement of their own. Check courting is a punishment served by the gang to gang members who break the laws of the gang. There are initiations one must endure to become a member of the gang. Jumping in is one of the initiations, a brutal thirteen second beating by multiple people at the same time. (World’s Most Dangerous Gang) There is a communication system within the gang. They use stacking to communicate, tattoos, graffiti, and an overall dialect that is unique to the gang. This counterculture exists internationally inside and outside of prison walls. Within the gang there are individual cliques, but when threatened they will come together and fight alongside one another. It is instilled in a gang member to kill to maintain territory and to acquire new territories. T... ... middle of paper ... ...s an example of a) peer group b) culture shock c) Verstehen d) degradation ceremony 3. A “blemish” that discredits a person’s claims to a “normal” identity such as blindness a) crime b) stigma c) deviance d) culture 4. Unlike motor enthusiasts, Hell’s Angels, Pagans, and Bandidos are considered a a) control theory b) cultural lag c) differential association d) counterculture Works Cited "Acculturation.", n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. "Enculturation.", n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. Henslin, James M. Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. 11th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2012. Print. Parker, Gary, and Charles Poe. "World's Most Dangerous Gang." World's Most Dangerous Gang. Nat Geo, 12 Feb. 2006. Television. "Social Stratification.", n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.

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