The Network Life Cycle Of A Network Development Project

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PPDIOO Life Cycle
The network life cycle is an important set of processes and standards during a network development project. There are different methodologies when developing a network; however, I am going to focus on the Cisco standard known as the PPIDOO model (Wilkins, 2011). This model is a powerful methodology for the design, development, and implementation of networking solutions (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2009). The reason this model is so powerful is that it describes the entire network life cycle from the project to the network becoming part of the business process; however, it is also this reason that its implementation has to be clear and precise. PPIDOO includes the phases Prepare, Plan, Implement, Design, Operation, and Optimize (Wilkins, 2011). It is during the optimize phase where you run the most risk with the project turning into a process, so developing a highly detailed project plan during your planning phase is essential to keep the project in scope.
The Prepare Phase
The prepare phase includes understanding the needs of the business and to help justify the costs of implementing new technologies in their current infrastructure (Balaji Sivasubramanian, 2010). You will also determine the overall goals of the project needed for success (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2009). This is also when you should start planning for security by evaluating what data’s sent or stored on the network, determining what security measures need implementation to protect this data (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2009).
The Plan Phase
The plan phase consists of developing the project plan (Balaji Sivasubramanian, 2010). The project plan will be in line with the requireme...

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...s closely monitored during the day-to-day operations ensuring strong network health. The information gathered during this phase is essential the final stage of the project, the optimization phase.
The Optimize Phase
The optimize phase is where your project ends and daily operations begin. This is where the proper planning of the project is most important, as this will determine the overall success of the project. Without proper planning this phase can cause your project to run longer than expected causing you to go over budget.
During the optimization of the network, the company will watch for errors and inefficacies (Semperboni, The PPDIOO network lifecycle). This phase includes optimizing the network to ensure it will handle all daily operations and workloads, and then ending the project allowing the company to take over the continued optimization of network.

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