Net Practice of Resolutions on the New Year's Eve

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Net practice of resolutions on the’ New Year Eve’
Start doing the practice of your new year’s resolutions, right from this moment, if you want to realize them. Little time is left now for the New Year to knock. You can include those resolutions in your habits, provided you begin working for your resolutions from this day. This discussion would give you suggestions for accomplishing your goals.

Allow me please to begin with a very brief story first and then you shall be in a position to fully understand the inference contained herein.

A person came to a saint and said, “I am in a habit of eating jiggery (Gur) excessively. No matter how hard I try to quit this habit, it never leaves me. How could I possibly quit this?” The saint said, “Come tomorrow and then I will tell you how”. The man arrived again the next day. He called the saint from outside. The saint replied to him from inside his hut that since the pole was holding him, he could not come out. The man went inside to see for himself what the matter was all about. He saw the saint holding the pole. He said, “It is actually you, who is holding the pole and the pole holding you. Why do not you leave quit it?” The Acharya said, “You are also holding on to the habit of eating Gur, why do not you leave this habit?”

In every year round on 1st January, you must be taking resolutions of some kind or another with great zest and zeal, but the enthusiasm fritters away within days. If resolutions are undertaken influenced by friends or after the fashion, you cannot succeed. Our objective should be to be of some use to our own life, our family, society and our country. For this, we will have to learn some good habits. The habits and attitudes that are harmful for success will have to be...

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... the resolutions of the type like, not to spit here and there, no talking in loud voices, or no playing of music on high volume, to eradicate the practice of evil customs of society, etc.

Sachin’s net practice
All great men include the useful things into their habits. That is why the world adores them. When on November, the 3rd, the entire country was celebrating Diwali, Sachin Tendulkar at that time was net-practicing in Kolkata far away from his family for the test match that was to be held against West Indies. All the great men give much emphasis on practice.

The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained in a sudden flight
But they, while their companions slept
Were toiling upward in the night!
(John Milton).

The above great lines quoted from Milton would sufficiently justify the wrap up.

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