The Negative Outcome of Macbeth Character’s Decisions

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What feelings will one experience when they do something they probably should not have done? In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, we will see the outcome of many bad choices made that were caused by effortless attempts to control emotions. When Lady Macbeth lacks honesty, she suffers of great guilt, which will eventually end her life. Also, when Macbeth shows no patience, he does not realize his actions and his life will also come to an end. Finally, when Malcolm and Donalbain flee the country, they lose part of their future due to being uncourageous. In his play Macbeth, Shakespeare shows that those who disregard the kingly graces will suffer immensely in the future. When Lady Macbeth lacks honesty, she suffers of great guilt, which will eventually end her life. Lady Macbeth is the dishonest mastermind behind her husband’s actions. Macbeth would not have committed the crime if Lady Macbeth wasn’t lying to him and encouraging him. “But screw your courage to the sticking place, and we’ll not fail” (1.7.60-61). Here, Lady Macbeth is coercing Macbeth into committing the ultimate crime, murder. She is saying to him that if he gets his courage up, then the plan will not fail, and he can kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth encourages him to murder the king using dishonest statements. Macbeth and his greedy mind listen to his wife and he soon murders Duncan and Banquo. Like Macbeth, Lady Macbeth soon realizes how she has contributed to these murders and she will soon pay for her actions by losing her mind. Lady Macbeth’s subconscious feelings soon shine through and she starts to lose her mind. From here, nothing seems to get better as she even starts dreaming about her guilty actions:

“Since his majesty went into the field, I have seen ...

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...comes of the situation could be in the future, but instead their uncourageous mind led them to do something that will not benefit their future. In his play Macbeth, Shakespeare shows that the people, who ignore the kingly graces, will make decisions that will affect their future immensely. Lady Macbeth lacked honesty, which lead to her losing her mind and killing herself. Meanwhile, Macbeth lets his impatience take him over, causing himself to be killed in action. Finally, when Malcolm and Donalbain show no courage, they are assumed to have committed a crime they did not do. All of these situations can teach one something: one should not let emotions and personal characteristics take them over and determine their destiny.

Works Cited

Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Ed. Ken Roy. Toronto: Harcourt Canada, no year. Print

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