Naked Lunch: Comparisons of Documentaries Super Size Me and Forks Over Knives

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Documentary films have become a very popular in the last few years with the success of Michael Moore’s films fueling interest to learn while being entertained. Two filmmakers have benefited from this new interest in the non-fiction film movement, including directors Morgan Spurlock and Lee Fulkerson. The two filmmakers both made documentaries regarding healthy eating, or the lack thereof, in North America. Spurlock’s film, Super Size Me was about a healthy man who wanted to see what would happen to his body if he ate nothing but items from McDonalds for an entire month. On the other hand, Fulkerson’s Forks Over Knives is about a man on a quest to improve his health by consuming a plant and whole food based diet only. Despite the differences in their respective journeys the films of Spurlock and Fulkerson both combine several modes of documentary cinema including, the expository mode's use of narration, reflexive mode's use of the filmmakers on screen presence and the participatory mode in that they are both on a personal, and thus relatable, quest for knowledge.
Both Super Size Me and Forks Over Knives use narration, which is prevalent in many documentaries. Both of the films know the audience in which they are making it for and are able to play to their respective audiences by engaging them with both off and onscreen narration. There are a number of facts and stats that are thrown out as a matter of evidence to support the respective thesis statements that Spurlock and Fulkerson are set out to present. On one hand Spurlock is out to discover if eating a ton of McDonalds over the course of a month is a bad idea, and what would happen to you if you did. While, Fulkerson is out to discover how healthy his diet actually is an...

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... their films.

Works Cited

Forks Over Knives. Dir. Lee Fulkerson. Perf. Lee Fulkerson, Matthew Lederman, T. Collin
Campbell and Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. Alliance Films, 2011. DVD.
Gilbert, Anne. "Super Size Me." Cineaste 29.4 (2004): 47-49. Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web
I'm Still Here. Dir. Casey Affleck. Perf. Joanquin Phoenix, Casey Afflect and Sean Combs.
Magnolia Pictures, 2011. DVD.
Nichols, Bill. Introduction to Documentary. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2010. Print.
Not a Love Story: A Film About Pornography. Dir. Bonnie Sherr Klein. Perf. Lindalee Tracey,

Bonnie Sherr Klein and Kate Millett. National Film Board of Canada, 1982. Online


O'Connell, Sean. "Forks Over Knives." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 13 May 2011.


Super Size Me. Dir. Morgan Spurlock. Perf. Morgan Spurlock. Samuel Goldwyn Films, Roadside
Attractions, 2004. DVD.

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