My Last Duchess and Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning

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My Last Duchess and Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning

In the two poems there is a lot of ‘dramatic monologue’ where the

writer is showing his personal his personal feelings in the poem. It

is also classified when a single person is talking and asking

questions with no reply like in ‘The Last Duchess’ the Duke is talking

to the servant about his past wife but all the servant is interested

in is whether the Duke will marry the Count’s daughter.

My Last Duchess is about a duke who wants to marry the Count’s

daughter. The Count does not know the duke very much this is why he

sends his servant round to visit the Duke and his property. When the

poem starts the servant is already at the Duke’s house.

The Duke very kindly welcomes the servant into his house. He starts

off by showing the servant a picture of his previous wife. The Duke

then asked ‘Will’t please you sit and look at her?’ as if he was very

proud of her.

Fra Pandolf was the painter of his late wife and in the painting the

duke realised she was blushing. The Duke had now gone from being proud

and prote...

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