Narrative Essay About My Family Culture

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My generation of the family has had it a lot easier than the previous ones. My mother and her parents are from Ecuador and moved to America while my mother was still in elementary school. She would tell me all the time when I was younger about some of the challenges she had to overcome when she first started going to school and being surrounded by the children from this culture. As she grew up and got married, she not only learned the struggles of being from a different culture, but her and my father also experienced poverty for a long period of our lives. Many families struggle through rough patches in their lives, my story isn’t that much different than most but it has definitely had a tremendous impact on the person that I am today. One thing that caught my intention while taking notes on the textbook was culture, especially the culture shock because it instantly made me think about my grandparents. My grandparents lived a lot of their lives in ecuador and were doing great for themselves for a while. They had a nice home and began to start a family. My grandma was a surgical doctor and my grandpa was a cook, they had a pretty nice home and had …show more content…

We moved from apartment to apartment and even lived at my grandparents at one point. Neither of them had a college education and my father never finished high school. After they got divorced life became very difficult for us. We never had a stable home and had a difficult time getting food sometimes. They relied on food stamps and help from others for a while. After a few years both of my parents found steady jobs and eventually had a permanent home in a nice town with a good school system. It took us a while to go through all of the social classes and finally become steady, but we did it and I couldn 't be more proud of them for all of the challenges that they have overcome throughout their

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