Music: Rock and Roll

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Rock and roll also called simply “rock” is a form of popular music. Rock has had a social impact on society more than any other type of music. Rock is also one of the most famous music genres not only in the United States but also in the whole world. It began in the late 1940s and early 1950s when blacks and whites were are at the height of segregation.
The elements of rock and roll can also be seen in rhythm and blues as far back as the 1920s.
Rock and roll has been an important part of people’s lives for decades and will continue to impact people for years to come. Rock music will continue to shape what is popular in our viewpoints and also our belief system.
Rock and roll came about as a musical style in America as far back as the 1920s. Early rock and roll had elements of boogie woogie, jazz, and rhythm and blues. It also influenced Appalachian folk music, gospel, country, and western. The disc jockey Alan Freed was credited with starting the phrase “rock and roll” to describe the music that he played over the radio in the
1950s. During the late 40s and early 50s, rock music had a stronger beat and a wilder style.
In 1954, Elvis Presley began recording with Sam Philips. Elvis played a rock and country style called rockabilly. Elvis was probably the first celebrity musician and teen idol. His music brought together music from both sides of the color line. Elvis’ music and image made it seem that it was a time for change. “This emerging rock-and-roll culture brought a wave of

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...nd create change.” (Umesh)
Since the beginning of rock and roll, this kind of music has been a lifestyle and not just a music genre. Rock music often shapes what is popular in our America society’s belief
Clay 4 system and their viewpoint. Rock music often highlights the culture, attitudes and opinions of our lives. As the past decades show, rock music has evolved with a unique style as our times change. As our lives continue to change and as we adapt to these changes rock music is the most popular kind of music and will probably continue to remain that for ever.

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