Pros And Cons Of Going At Home Vs Movie Theater

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Whether its Kubrick’s manic ultra-violence, or Keanu Reeves making minutes drag on like hours, people enjoy movies. With today’s growing industry of entertainment technology, our viewing options are increasing exponentially. You can watch movies in a conventional theater, at home on TV, through your computer, on handheld portable players, or even in your car. In all of this rampant growth, two viewing forms have become the most popular industry standards: the movie theater and the home DVD player. The main things to consider when debating whether to go to a theater or to watch a DVD at home are environment, movie quality, and price. By sitting at a movie theatre for many hours, your environmental issues or concerns are going to be very high. Movie theatre are much known about how ignominious their seats are. There is not enough leg room, the seats are very uncomfortable, and you would have to share your arm rest with someone that is smelly, sweaty, annoying, or loud. The movie theatre does not offer much food as it goes if you are hungry. Choosing between fast food, candy or popcorn is not much of an offer. You have to wait in long lines in order to buy some food, which you may be waiting there for quite some time. By time you come back, the movie probably …show more content…

They all will cost you your time of day by driving up there (gas) and by you spending money on your ticket and food. Some places will easily charge you five or six dollars just to get a small bag of popcorn, which is a rip off. While at the same time, the fundamental charge of the DVD rental may seem cheaper at six dollars, but it can conveniently grow if you forget to return it back on time. Nonetheless, that same money that you spent on that popcorn, will cost you one tenth of the same price at the supermarket for home utilization. In other words, it is just better to watch a movie at

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