Analysis Of The Movie 'First, Do No Harm'

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In life there would be times where a family member or yourself may become ill. It 's important to provide support and the proper care because it helps the healing processing of a patient; especially a child. A child needs the most care and support because children are innocent and most times do not understand what goes on around them. In the film “First, Do No Harm”, analyzing Dr. Abbasac I feel she was not acting in accordance with the Hipprocratic Oath I believe Dr. Abbasac did not act in agreement with tenets of The Hippocratic Oath. In the Hippocratic Oath it states clearly a doctor should service for the greater good of the patient. According to the Hippocratic Oath "I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according …show more content…

In the beginning of the film, Lori Reimuller learns that her son Robbie has epilepsy and she puts her full trust on the judgement of the Dr, Abbasac to treat his illness the bes ability. As Robbie 's health becomes worst and goes downhill and this caused her to become depressed, desperate for help and frustrated, her frustations lead her to read books in order to discover solutions to help Robbie 's illness. This movie is an statememt of those in the medical field who only recommend treatment options they prefer and favor. When Lori discovered Dr. Abbasac, she absolutely failed to follow the Hippocratic Oath. According to the Hippocratic Oath "I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly …show more content…

The information disclosures were not detailed enough and lacked empathy. A patient who 's a child dealing with epilepsy for the very first time, I believe the information that was provided by the doctors to Robbie 's parents should have been detailed enough for them to comprehend and react accordingly. Throughout the film movie when Dr. Abbasac spoke to Lori she really did not understand the medical key terms being said to her. She is not a doctor and Dr. Abbasac should have concerned the principle of her lacking experience in the medical field. Dr. Abbasac did not care to create a bond with Robbie or his family. She lacked the comforting and sympathy section stated in the patient’s bill of rights and oath. In which both are documents to provide the proper care for patients and I felt she disregarded it. Dr. Abbasac was very controlling over the whole situation regarding Robbie and his medical condition. She did not part take advice or

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