Exploring the Mind-Body Problem: A Dualistic Perspective

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Mind And Intelligence The mind-body problem has troubled many thinkers for centuries because it is not clear if mind and body interact with each other and/or how they interact with each other. Dualists ' claim is that the mind is a non-physical thing because it is impossible to be explained by physics; therefore, mind is different from the body. However, Dualism does not clearly explain what a non-physical mind is, and it simply ignores the fact that many ideas were thought to be impossible one day but now they are proven by physics. In fact, it has been proven that human behaviors change when something, like a damage, occur in the brain. Even though laws of physics cannot explain mind in physical ways, it does not mean that mind is non-physical. Because science improves and discovers new things, it is possible and very likely that the mind will be explained by scientists one day and it will be proven that the mind is, in fact, physical. When scientists learn about the relationship between mind and body, they will be able to …show more content…

Furthermore, it does not give a clear explanation of how mind works; instead, it only argues that the mind is a non-physical thing since the laws of physics cannot break it down into particles to conclude how it works. Mind and body both exist, but they both are physical; in fact, it has been proven that the brain is responsible for the human behaviors. For example, the story of Phineas Gage tells us about the mind-body relationship, in which Gage was known to be a very friendly and smart person before head injury, but when he suffered a head injury that affected his brain, he turned to a mean person, who was completely opposite of the person his friends had known before ( Lawhead 83). This shows that the brain is directly responsible for the mind and the behaviors of a

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