Mikhail Gorbachev's Life from Poor Boy to Powerful Leader

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1. Mikhail Gorbachev lived in a poorer environment. His father was sent to war and came back wounded but still took care of their farm. Gorbachev also helped with the uptake of the land but then saw his grandfather taken during the Great Purge but return home. None of this prohibited him from learning, he was so passionate about it he got into Moscow University along with free accommodations.

2. He was young, even at 54, when given leadership of the USSR. This made him have a more youthful and optimistic insight into the countries relations. It also came with the plus that he would live longer than his two predecessors who died, leaving short term leaders in their wake.

3. Glasnost was a policy which gave the Soviet Union new rights it did not have before. One included the right of speech which freed the press. Next, countless amount of political prisoners were set free. This had led to the people to communicate more freely and opened Gorbachev to more criticisms, which he did know would happen but still went through.

4. Perestroika can be described as a movement in the Comm...

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