Analysis Of Gregor's Empire As A Way Of Life

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In the world there exist systems created to oppress, suppress, and repress innocent people. An empire is a destructive structure built to enslave human beings by those who yearn for supremacy and is demonstrated through “The Metamorphosis”, through “Empire as a Way of Life”, and through the connection of symbolism between the two texts. Taking a look at Gregor’s life, from “The Metamorphosis”, expresses what it is like to lose one’s self. “Empire as a Way of Life” explains what it means to be an empire and how nations become empires. Both texts exhibit “empires” that control people for the sake of the “empire’s” welfare. In order to comprehend what it means for someone to lose their own sense of thought it is helpful to look at a prime example. In the story “The Metamorphosis”, …show more content…

Gregor’s family is a symbol of a repressive structure that inhibits Gregor’s every thought and action. When Gregor gets up in the morning to get ready for work and finds that he has been transformed into a cockroach, he ponders about how maybe he should just go in to work late and get fired, but then realizes that he cannot because “if [he] were not holding back because of [his] parents, [he] would have quit long ago” (Kafka 8). This quote displays how the family contains immense power over Gregor which causes him to turn into a cockroach that symbolizes that he has become alienated, has become unfree, and has lost his sense of identity. Gregor’s life revolves around his job. Gregor never goes out, he does not have a girlfriend, and the only thing going for him is his work. All of this shows that Gregor has lost a sense of what is going on in the outside world and has become isolated from it. He is extremely consumed with work that he has no time to think about other things. Gregor

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