Medieval Themes Reflected in Modern Literature and Movies

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The common themes often presented in tales of the Medieval times still make appearances in the films and literature that are popular among our society today. The book The Kindness of Strangers, written by Katrina Kittle, and the movie King Kong, directed by Peter Jackson, are two examples that portray many known characteristics of the times of King Arthur, such as honor, chivalry, loyalty, and bravery.

The legend of King Arthur revolves around the Knights Code of Chivalry. Although there was not an official Code of Chivalry, there were a multitude of well-known ideals that all knights were to represent. It was a system of morals that introduced certain qualities idealized outside of battle – qualities such as bravery, courtesy, loyalty, honor, honesty, gallantry toward women, valor, truth, and justice (“Knights Code of Chivalry”). These traits were depicted in the Code through the following examples, which include to protect the weak and defenseless, to live by honor and for glory, to fight for the welfare of all, to eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit, to keep faith, and to respect the honor of women (“Knights Code of Chivalry”). The examples given are ever-present in the literary work The Kindness of Strangers and the film King Kong.

The Kindness of Strangers is a riveting tale of the struggle a ten-year-old boy faces and how the bravery of one family alters the rest of his life. Jordan Kendrick is considered an “odd” child with no friends, but exceptional grades. His parents, Mark and Courtney, are a respected and well liked couple in the community, so it is diffcult to believe when Jordan tries to commit suicide and his parents are wanted for hosting a ring of child pornography and incest. Courtney’s best friend...

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.... Ann also tried to protect Kong by showing that he really was not the monster that he looked to be.

The Kindness of Strangers and King Kong, although very different, both represent the morals and qualities idealized by the Knights Code of Chivalry, such as honor, loyalty, chivalry, and bravery. These works reflect Medieval ideas into this modern society to show that these themes are just important then as they are today.

Works Cited

King Kong. Dir. Peter Jackson. DVD. Universal Studios, 2005.

Kittle, Katrina. The Kindness of Strangers. New York: HarperCollins, 2005.

Knights Code of Chivalry. 23 May 2010 .

Lofton, Marie Hashima. The Kindness of Strangers Review. 20 May 2010 .

“Synopsis.” King Kong 2005. 23 May 2010 .

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