Mainstreaming of Learning Disabled into Regular Classroom

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The classroom scenario that I chose to present relates to the mainstreaming of the learning disabled into a regular classroom. The portrayal that I am going to use will be one of a veteran teacher who will be mainstreaming learning disabled into her classroom. I hope that you find this appropriate and fulfilling as I did.

Twenty year veteran teacher, whom we will call Mrs. H., has been told that her classroom is soon to be mainstreamed with learning disabled students. Mrs. H is not very agreeable to this idea, yet she knows that she has to accept it as part of her current position as educator. Principal G has been approached by the parents of the learning disabled with complaints that the students in Mrs. H class are not being educated properly. Principal G has now observed Mrs. H and found the allegations to be true. First and foremost, he has found that Mrs. H has lowered her grading scale to accommodate and allow for academic success of the learning disabled. Mrs. H has not changed her presentation of materials nor has she begun to include them into peer group discussions of the normal students. Principal G has determined that there have been labels placed on the students due to their handicap by the educator. What does Principal G do now?

Some suggestions for the resolution of this issue can include, but are not limited to, creating a more individualized educational program (IEP). The IEP could allow for a special lab for the learning disabled where they receive more intense remediation study a couple periods a week or even a day. (Zigmond, Levin, & Laurie, 1985) Another lab resource could be for the teacher to meet with a qualified educator to receive materials and methods in which they are then able to creat...

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Zigmond, N., Levin, E., & Laurie, T.E. (1985). Managing the mainstream: An analysis of teacher attitudes and student performance in mainstream high school programs. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 18(9), 535-541.

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