The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

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Even though execution of a life that was partaken in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant, the two stories that are vastly different from each other. The authors indicates different themes and characters in their story.
The story The Lottery starts off with a setting of a town gathering. In the middle of the town square, all the families come together for a black box which is filled of paper for each family head. The one family that is pick has to re-pick a sheet of paper. In this story, it is the Hutchison family. Mrs. Hutchison was choose and to be choose is to have death upon you by friends and family. In the story, Shirley Jackson protracted one of life’s most powerful weapon into her story, peer pressure. Tradition plays strong role in the lottery; the peer pressure is the backbone for the lottery. It has been done for decades and decades. “There’s always been a lottery,” stated Old Man Warner in the story. When you have peer pressure, you have fear right that motives the town people. "Some places have already quit lotteries." Mrs. Adams said. "N...

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