Things Fall Apart: A Literary Interpretation Of Things Fall Apart

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Literary Interpretation of Things Fall Apart Growing up a poor boy in a poor country is hard. When you dad’s the village fool, it makes it even worse; your sense of worth is low, and you must fight every day to rectify the mistakes of your father and prove your own worth basically reestablishing your name as one of truth and goodness. You must work twice as hard for half the reward as Okonkwo does to establish himself as a different person than his father. Making the choice to be a different man; he made good business decisions, worked tirelessly and raised his children with a strict set of rules he never had. Motivated purely by the ceaseless though of being better than his father, or at least being perceived as better. Being so focused and narrow-minded you can lose sight of the importance of your family and their wellbeing, leading to everything falling apart. Beginning Okonkwo’s malevolence for his father is all consuming; he ridicules men for almost …show more content…

The streak of terrible luck continues for Okonkwo as he pays his final respect to his recently deceased friend and elder of the village, Ezeudu. During the final events of the elaborate funeral, Okonkwo’s gun explodes and kills Ezeudu’s 16 year old son. Killing a clansman whether inadvertent or intentional is forbidden, with no choice but to flee, Okonkwo packs up the family and leaves before the sun rises the next day for his homeland; for a period of not less than 7 years, he is forbidden from returning to his home. Okonkwo spends his time in Mbanta daydreaming of the time when he triumphantly returns to Umuofia, fantasizing about the hero’s welcome he’ll receive when he gloriously returns to his home, where he will quickly resume his previous position as leader of the town, rebuild and expand the family’s compound and add new wives. Still too preoccupied fantasizing to recognize his son pulling further and further away, his obsessive and delusional thoughts are blinding

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