Analysis Of 'Snake' By D. H. Lawrence

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Have you ever felt like you had to live up to an ideal that is just not in you to live up to? Have you been pressured to act a certain way because that’s what’s considered the norm? If you answered yes to these questions, fear not. Societal pressures and expectations have been around for centuries. People have been singing, writing, painting, and talking about these feelings of expectation for just as long. D.H. Lawrence’s “Snake,” and Langston Hughes’s “Theme in English B,” speak to the struggles of societies expectations. Though both poems are dissimilar in many ways, they share the common thread that the main characters are fighting what society deems to be the norm both internally and externally. In D.H. Lawrence’s poem “Snake,” …show more content…

Lawrence uses figurative language in order to present his ideas of societies expectations of a man. Lawrence changes the structure and style of “Snake” in order to highlight the struggles of the narrator. Specifically, when writing about the snake he uses repetitive and flowing words. He also uses traditional devices like alliteration, for example “and flickered his two-forked tongue from his lips.” The use of these technics gives the snake an almost human like feel that the reader can connect to. At the same time, Lawrence writes about the log used to hurt the snake in a different style creating such a contrast between the snake’s description and the log. The words describing the log are much different, “and threw it at the water trough with a clatter.” The changing styles helps emphasize the internal struggle the narrator is experiencing as he tries to figure out if he should do as society dictates and kill the snake like a man or do as he wishes and leave the snake in peace as his guest at the water …show more content…

To start, the structure of the initial assignment that the student must focus on is given differently then the rest of the poem. The majority of the poem is written in free verse. These verses are typical of the jazz-poetry style that became popular during the Harlem Renaissance. The easy style of jazz-poetry gives a dialogue feel to the poem that the reader can connect with. “As it appears, Langston Hughes’s outstanding collection of poems exemplifies the greatest of those qualities of jazz and blues, and his talent truly makes these poems come alive in the same way that jazz and blues music comes alive for the audience as well as for the musicians” (Davidas 1). You truly begin to see the internal struggle the student is having with his assignment and how he is grappling with more then just an assignment for English

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