The Importance Of Diversity In Film

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The article I chose this week is about how lack of diversity there are in roles in films made in the United States. The article stated that between the years 2007 and 2014, women only made up 30 percent of all speaking roles. Another article was released recently stating that that there are 700 popular films and represent inequality. This article looked at gender, race, and ethnicity. The top movies are only white, straight, young, and male. Out of the top 100 movies 73.1 percent of all speakers were white, 19 characters were lesbian/gay/bisexual, 19.9 percent of the characters were 40 to 64 years old, and women directed 1.9 percent of the movies. Films produced in 2014, not a single woman was starred over the age 45. These statistics pointed out how directors are prejudice when making decision about their characters. The article specified that art may be a mirror of life, but is often a misleading one in mainstream American cinema. Even though women are about half of the population they remain a persistent minority on screen. The same issue is true about certain races and ethnicities. It was found that 4.9 percent of all speaking characters in the 100 top movies were Hispanic/Latino. The inequality comes at a time of increasing …show more content…

For example, when a teacher favors the smartest student from the rest of the class. This term is applied to this article by that the directors and films makers discriminate the characters and their speaking roles. They discriminate Hispanics, blacks, women, elderly, etc. They see them as not being worthy enough to be a lead role or speak more than a line. This is a terrible way individuals are being affected by watching their movies. People may not be aware of this, but they are unconsciously being affected by these movies or even consciously. A child takes a lot out of these movies/shows and apply them to their real

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