Importance Of Moral Education In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it” (Lee 30). Atticus Finch teaches his children to look at life and people in a different way, and he also practices what he preaches to his children. By focusing on the coexistence of good and evil, the importance of moral education, and the existence of social inequality one could argue to prove these points and how they form the themes of Harper Lee’s, To Kill a Mockingbird. Throughout the novel, readers see the good and the evil come out of most people. Tom Robinson is a black man accused of raping a young white girl named Mayella Ewell, yet he is innocent. Atticus Finch
He simply tries to help the young girl do things, such as cut and carry wood, but he is slammed with the charge of raping and beating her. On the other hand we have Mayella’s father, Bob Ewell, who is nothing but evil. Bob is actually guilty, but no one ever tries to point that out. It never even says it straight forward in the book, but there is clearly enough evidence to show Mr. Ewell was the guilty one. “Robinson made the mistake of saying he felt sorry for a white person — Mayella” (Gandy). Tom has sympathy for Mayella because he also knows her father was the guilty one. Tom showing sympathy is just another good characteristic of his personality. At the end of the novel, the evil is really shown when Mr. Ewell attacks Atticus’s children, Scout and Jem. Bob Ewell is killed by Boo Radley that night or one could say he “fell on his knife.” Tom is also killed for trying to escape from jail – he is shot by the guards. Not only does a good, innocent man get killed in the novel for no reason at all, but the evil one gets his justice as
He teaches his children the importance of their moral education. Not only do the children get taught about the importance of education, but they also get to see it first hand when it comes to growing up during the trail. Scout and Jem grow up and mature a little faster than others. According to Dare:
Much of the credit for Scout 's moral development is owed to Atticus. He is a loving, patient, and understanding father who guides his children to virtue while respecting them as individuals capable of judgment and decision. He teaches them compassion and tolerance, frequently advising Scout to "step into the shoes" of others such as the Ewell’s and Boo Radley. (Dare 96-97)
Though Scout and Jem are young, they see things how their father has taught them to. They do not judge by skin color, nor do they discriminate because someone is difference. Atticus has educated them in a way that helps them see in a diverse way than others even at such a young age. “Scout and Jem wonder about the origins of the events in their lives between the summer of 1932 and the fall of 1935” (Anderson 1). During these years, Scout and Jem grew and matured more than an average adult would in 20 years of life. Atticus never forced the education on his children, by the simply just instructed them onto the right

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