What Is Infidelity?

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their childhood or left behind to be raised without a mother or father they tend to act out for attention because they are not receiving all of what they require. Renee does not act the way she does because her morals were genetically made. Her morals and personality are molded into what they are because of her experiences. Acting out to get attention carries on later in her life. For example, Renee’s beauty is her only identity. People know her just because of her beauty. Renee knows that her beauty is what she has that will gain attention of the people around her to make up for all the attention she did not get as a child. These events opened up wounds that will not heal for Renee.
Renee’s prior experience is why she responded the way she …show more content…

Infidelity is Renee’s way of breaking the rules to satisfy her and to feel wanted. All her life she has dealt with not being wanted and will do anything to get the attention she craves even if it means looking in the wrong places. She resulted in infidelity because her husband neglected her and used her. She’s expressing herself through actions because her behavior reflects on her personality, which reflects on her experiences that shaped her into who she is. “A cabinet particular encapsulates particularly well how the restaurant blurs the boundaries between public and private” (Belenky, p. 32). This quotes from the article call attention to the fact that Renee makes public spaces private and private places public. She takes this restaurant and makes a public space private by going into the cabinet with Maxime her stepson. She has a way of making things that are private public and things that are public private to accommodate her needs.
Aristide used Renee to his benefit he uses her looks to impress other people. That is all she is good for to him to show off her looks and impress the guests. “She was an asset in her husband’s portfolio; he urged her to buy gowns for an evening, to take lovers for a season; he wrought her in the flames of his forge, using her as a precious metal with which to gild the iron of his

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