Compare And Contrast Karl Marx And Kuyper

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Two great writers, whose ideas have been read by many, are Karl Marx and Abraham Kuyper. Marx was a philosopher and because of his writing about Communist many places responded with revolutions. Kuyper was a Christian leader inspired many with his writings about society and culture. Marx and Kuyper both addressed how social issues in the world. Marx and Kuyper’s views of human nature are very different. While Kuyper believes that God shapes our lives and humans have no control; Marx, on the other hand, believes that human beings can shape and control the direction of their own lives. Both men show their beliefs of human nature through history, government, economy, and society. Though they both believe in equal society they don’t agree on the …show more content…

The stronger will do anything in their power to make a profit, leaving the weak with nothing. Kuyper says, “…the more powerful exploited the weaker by means of a weapon against which there was no defense” (Kuyper, Abraham, and James W. Skillen 26). Additionally, he states that “…the idolization of money killed the nobility in the human heart” (Kuyper, Abraham, and James W. Skillen 31). Kuyper talks about how Jesus felt bad for the rich and sided with the poor (Kuyper, Abraham, and James W. Skillen 32). Matthew 6:19-21 says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Earthly materials mean nothing because the real treasure awaits in …show more content…

Humans are born sinful and are full of evil desires, like greed and selfishness. Individualism drives us apart and poisoned our mutual relationships” (Kuyper, Abraham, and James W. Skillen 25). Kuyper says that, “Every creature, our Confessions says so beautifully, must serve man, so that man may serve God” (Kuyper, Abraham, and James W. Skillen 23). Humans being are called to serve each other; in God’s commandments He says to love our neighbor as ourselves. Kuyper says, “…the cause of evil lay in this: that men regarded humanity as cut off from its eternal destiny, did not honor it as created in the image of God, and did not reckon with the majesty of the Lord” (Kuyper, Abraham, and James W. Skillen 26). Kuyper says that “Our society is losing touch with Christ…” and that is the main problem with society (Kuyper, Abraham, and James W. Skillen

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