Journey to Manhood

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Becoming a man is one of the most important things a boy goes through. It takes many years of hard work and guidance. At the beginning of the movie Friendly Persuasion, Josh Birdwell is still a boy, but as the movie progresses we can follow his steps in becoming a man. The dialogue and events in the movie show us what a man is, how Josh’s father, Jess Birdwell, is an immense influence in his passage into manhood, and how the war affects this voyage.

There are couple of things that constitute a man that Josh achieves throughout the movie. One is that a man stands up for his convictions. Josh shows this by going off to fight for what he believes in. Another thing that makes a man is his value of life. Josh Birdwell learns to cherish life, especially others’, through his experience in the war. He shows his anguish at taking life when he says, “He’s not very old. I killed him.” Throughout the movie we can see Josh growing into the man he will become.

As Josh Birdwell cultivates maturity and comes closer to manhood, his father plays an important role. The first evidence we notice of J...

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