Compare And Contrast Locke And Napoleon

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John Locke, Rousseau, and Napoleon all have very different views on what would make a good society. Locke uses a democracy/republican type view that many countries still model after today. Locke’s view on a happy society is the most open and kind to its people, out of the three. Rousseau takes the complete opposite stance from Locke in thinking a more dictatorship government would be what is best for society as a whole as what is good for one person is good for one’s society. Napoleon plays by his own rules with telling people he will follow Lockean like views only to really want to be an absolutist government under his own power. However, all of their ideas would work for a given society so long as they had a set of laws in place and citizens …show more content…

Rousseau, however, believed, “the general will by definition is always right and always works to the community’s advantage. True freedom consists of obedience to laws that coincide with the general will.”(72) So in this aspect Rousseau almost goes to the far extreme dictatorship as the way to make a happy society which he shows in saying he, “..rejects entirely the Lockean principle that citizens possess rights independently of and against the state.”(72)
Napoleon is in a completely different story from both Locke and Rousseau. Napoleon started out truly believing in a Lockean view of a happy society. He even said he wants one 's “..subjects to enjoy a degree of liberty, equality, and prosperity.”(120) Napoleon made promises to the people of France to “rule constitutionally”(121) and that he was going to give them a society with, “public trial, and the introduction of juries..”(120) Napoleon even went as far as instructing his men to, “respect the people whom you liberate, to repress the horrible pillage committed by scoundrels incited by our

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