The Issues Of Women 's Hardships

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Assignment #5 The following discussion and statements are done so such that they incorporate the ideas and struggles of the Latino races regarding certain subjects down upon the text. So such that it will broaden the last discussion regarding the ideals of education than go forth with in regards to women’s hardships. The three main points that will be addressed within the passage are women‘s hardships, set advancement in the workforce and further education program. Addressing the issues of women’s hardships and further hardships regarding Latina women, this discussion will address cultural barriers set by the Latino race not to state Latino/as bring each other down, but simply stating what may be seen as a side effect of this cultural standard. To address the cultural barrier, it must first be understood what this cultural barrier is, this has to deal with Latina women being caretaker of families. It may seem as a stereotypical ideal, but in reality Latina are responsible for family affairs that regard the household environment. “Latinas with family responsibilities, the salience of ...

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