The Issue of Gender Inequality in the United States

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The issue of gender inequality will never truly be solved in the United States. This arises from differences in socially constructed gender roles as well as biologically through hormonal differences, chromosomes, and brain structures. Gender inequality is defined as unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on gender. One of the reasons for gender inequality is income disparities. Another reason is because of the positions in the workplace. Thirdly, the reason is because of beliefs that one another has. For these reasons is why these situations should be examined to get to the root of the problem.
The first reason for gender inequality is income disparities. The reason for income disparities is because men are getting more median wage than women. Women are often paid less for the same thing as men only because they are women. So the realization had once been deliberately chosen less high paying careers than men. Some of these jobs would be secretarial, clerical to explain why men in a particular company would make more money than a women in the same company. That may have been true once, but no longer that way in today’s economy. Now that more women are holding mid-level management jobs the career choices by men are ambitions to women’s pay disparities.
The second reason is because of different positions in the workplace. If we looked at men and women possessing different work positions today we would see differences no doubt. Today positions are especially for women where years ago men had become more equally for them. We see today the desire of gender inequality in all professions. We even tend to pay attention to the fact that at the present moment gender role in the workplace is changing. This is one of the changes in gender roles on different job positions are caused not by individuals. But people who think that male and females should be equal. It appears that the individual views of some people necessarily should change due to social functions. Also today women and men start to possess new job positions for their responsibilities and functions to be equal. Even if men and women did not have equal positions in the professional fields society otherwise would not be introduced.
Thirdly, the reason is because of beliefs that one another have against them.

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