Theme Of The Elephant By George And Imperialism

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Friends are often times the only ones that are always there for you. Whether it be through good times or bad times, the good and true friends will stick around. You can always count on them to have your back. Sometimes it is hard to tell which friends are the true friends and which ones are not. You will obviously go through some fake friends that may seem to treat you well on the outside, but on the inside they have different feelings about you. They will talk badly about you behind your back and they will try to get you to do things that they know will end badly for you. It is hard to see these things though, they always seem to put on a smiling face that will make you think they like you. They are always trying to get you to do something …show more content…

Imperialism is basically a country that has taken over many other countries by placing some of their army in this country. All the army is there for is to keep them peaceful to the country that has overthrown them. Now they do have some people in this country now, but they don’t really have complete control. As a matter of fact this story suggests that the native people are actually the ones in control. In the story George only shoots the elephant because all of these people want to see it, and he doesn’t want to bring shame to his people. He thinks as he is standing there, “And it was at this moment, as I stood there with the rifle in my hands, that I first grasped the hollowness, the futility of the white man’s dominion in the East.” (Page 1322, Lines 35-38) He shows that even though the country is under the control of the English, they control the English that are there. They are the reason that Orwell is shooting this Elephant anyway, they are causing him to do it. All over there are places that people think they are in control, when in all actuality they are controlled by the people. The do everything for these people, to please them and give them what they want. They do this, because the people are actually in control of the

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