Is it Homer Kowalski or Stanley Kowalski?

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The Simpsons episode, “ A Streetcar Named Marge” is a satire of the Tennessee Williams play, A Streetcar Named Desire. In addition, the episode makes allusions to the Williams’ play, Ayn Rand, Hitchcock’s “Birds”, Mission Impossible, and The Great Escape. In this episode, Marge is casted for the role of Blanche Dubois in a showing of A Streetcar Named Desire. Ironically, the show is a musical, which conveys a happy, lively, and youth like tone, compared to the serious, and mature tone of A Streetcar Named Desire. Although, The Simpsons is humorous show, it does shine light on the realities of modern culture. Nevertheless, the episode “A Streetcar Named Marge” draws a serious comparison between Homer Simpson and Stanley Kowalski and their violent behavior, interest in bowling, and use of alcohol.

This episode of The Simpson’s suggests that there are similarities between the characters traits of Homer and Stanley. Director Llewellyn, in The Simpsons, describes Stanley as “thoughtless, violent and loud”. Meanwhile, the viewer sees similar actions from Homer when he yells to his daug...

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