The Importance Of Inclusion In Education

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Inclusion is when a child with disabilities is being included in a classroom with typical peers. Access, participation, and supports all play a part in providing children the best opportunities to be included in the classroom (Cate, Diefendorf, McCullough, Peters, & Whaley, 2010). Not only is inclusion important in a classroom, but quality inclusion is essential to see the child succeed. Many different attributes lead to a quality inclusive classroom. The environment, curriculum, and interactions in the classroom all help in a child receiving what they need in the classroom. While watching the different videos, examples of the environment and how it promotes inclusion became evident. For example, in the Preschool classroom tour video, there was room for the children to move around in. This is evidence of inclusion because the classroom space needs to be organized and accessible for the children (TATS eUpdates, 2008). Another example in the Preschool classroom tour video is toys are stored away and displayed in shelves. Toys being stored away in shelves show that the classroom is inclusive because it means that the classroom is free of messes …show more content…

Inclusion is promoted through this example because accommodations are being made for the student with assistive technology so the student is able to engage with peers and teachers (TATS eUpdates, 2009). In the Toddler playing with blocks video, the child is engaging in play with blocks during free time while the teacher is helping him with his speech. Inclusion is being promoted through the curriculum because time is being spent with centers for the child to choose what they want and interaction with teachers and other peers is occurring where social skills are developing (TATS eUpdates, 2009). The interactions and curriculum in the classroom can be enhanced to promote

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