Drinking While Pregnant

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Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is a leading cause of birth defects and developmental disorders. Recent estimates of the number of US children affected by fetal alcohol exposure range from 1 per 2,000 live births to 1 per 100 live births (Krauss). Drinking while pregnant can cause harm to the unborn child in her womb. Drinking while pregnant is very wrong because it causes many birth defects; and it will cause that child pain emotionally and physically the rest of his or her life.
Infants (in the womb) exposed to alcohol has been a big issue that could be easily prevented. In the past few years, FASD (or known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) has been a health concern nationwide. FASD is defined as an “umbrella term” that is used to outline the perpetuity outcomes of unborn infants being exposed to alcohol. An unbelievable study (conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) showed that pregnant women between the ages of 35-44 years of age, college graduates, employed, and unmarried have admitted they have drank alcohol. About 10.1% of pregnant women conveyed that they have drunk alcohol in the past 30 days; and 2% of pregnant women reported that they promised themselves in binge drinking in the past 30 days (Coons). Drinking while pregnant is a serious problem that shockingly a lot of older women participate in. But, how can pregnant women know that consuming alcohol can harm their baby?
In order to answer that question, women need to know how their risky behavior can affect their baby. Whether it is drinking every once in a while, binge drinking, or drinking on a daily basis; no matter how a pregnant women sees it, drinking alcohol is drinking alcohol and that can severely hurt that women’s unborn child. B...

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...eally worth the risk?

Works Cited

Anderson, Amy E., et al. "Risky Drinking Patterns Are Being Continued Into Pregnancy: A
Prospective Cohort Study." Plos ONE 9.1 (2014): 1-7. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.
Coons, Kelly. "Determinants Of Drinking During Pregnancy And Lifespan Outcomes For
Individuals With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder." Journal On
Developmental Disabilities 19.3 (2013): 15-28. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27
Apr. 2014.
Krauss, Celeste . "The Dangers of Drinking for Two: Alcohol and Birth Defects." - Health.
N.p., 1 July 2008. Web. 26 Apr. 2014.
Uscher, Jen. "Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy: Is It Safe? What Are the Effects?." WebMD.
WebMD, 22 June 2012. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.

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