The Importance Of Personal Body Work

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1.4 Research population and location I this thesis I try to unravel how women answer to the bodily expectations and in what way they rebel against this structural influence. I focus on the expectations of the female body and research the way women work on their bodies and therefore work on themselves in order to negotiate the self. I study how women reposition themselves, consciously or unconsciously, in relation to societal expectations of the body. For this thesis I have chosen to explore a lifestyle that is based on altering the body in order to make or keep it healthy. Personal Body Work (PBW) (Gimlin 2002, Greenhalgh 2012) is about living a healthy lifestyle wherein women consciously make healthy decisions concerning food and exercising. It can be seen as a lifestyle because Personal Body Work are attempts to altering the body where the rest of one’s life is wrapped around. I am exploring in what way Personal Body Work is used as a tool in order to judge someone’s self, but also as a tool to influence one’s status as a ‘good’ person. PBW is about following certain diet rules and having exercising routines in order to maintain or develop the desired body. I chose to research body work in Los Angeles, California, among the community of ‘L.A. fitgirls’. Even …show more content…

Part Three examines how Personal Body Work can create a feeling of acceptance and community in Los Angeles. I will explore how Personal Body Work is practised to gain a sense of inclusion in the community of L.A. fitgirls. Body Work seems to be an important factor in order to measure up to the unspoken rules such as fashion trends, behavioural codes and attitude norms. One must spend thought and time into increasing the value of the body and answering to the ideal LA body, which is thin, slim and toned in order to answer to the image of a good

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