The Impact of Growing Up in a One-Parent Household on Child Development

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The Impact Of Growing Up In A One-Parent Household On Child Development Throughout history a one-parent household has been deemed as a nontraditional family, but in today’s society it seems more and more common with every day. Although the reason and causes vary, each year the number of children raised by a single parent increases. Most people don’t seem to realize how much this can change a child’s future. The impact of childhood experiences simply set the disposition of adulthood and the rest of their lives. There is not one sole factor that affects child development, but one very important one is the role and relationship created with one’s parents. How a child is parented and raised leaves a lasting impression on them, commonly for a lifetime. You can see how this might alter a child, being that one parent is missing. Child development based off of living in a one-parent household is very circumstantial because each child and each parent are different individuals. But one thing is for sure; all areas of child development can be affected due to a missing parent, including social, cognitive emotional, and physical areas. I sat down with Dr. Carlos Antoline, a children’s school psychologist to see what the real impact of growing up in a one-parent household has on child development. Conditions leading to a one-parent household. Many people see families as either traditional (two parents) or not (single parent family). But most people surpass the idea of how that family came to be ran by a single parent, and this plays an important role. According to Child Development: An Active Learning Approach, whether it be from divorce, death, never being married etc. each of these situations has a different consequence for the child (Levine ... ... middle of paper ... ... or have completed our quest. For the future I think there needs to be more focus on the parents, because that is really where it all begins. There should be more workshops or resources to help parents create the best environment for their children to grow into a fully functioning person. Child development really ends up making you who you are, so it is important to strive for a world where every parent and child can work together to make the best of every situation, and overall encourage/influence positive child development. Works Cited Levine, L. E., & Munsch J. (2011). Child Development: An Active Learning Approach. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA. Ketteringham, Kristin. (2007). Single Parent Households-How Does it Affect the Children? Yahoo Voices: parenting. Retrieved from

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