Identity In How To Tell A True War Story By O Brien

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Identity is all around us. Society associates identity as who someone or something is, but that is not all identity is. Identity concerns both self-personality and social personality. It is best understood as a honest portrayal of ourselves. It is about the individual, society, as well as the relations of us to others. It has been theorized that personality is completely social in someone’s character and does not exist outside of its view in society. Identity is ultimately not a fixed ‘thing’ but a becoming of someone. But what if that is not all identity is? Consider the quote by from John R. Gillis, Commemorations: The Politics of National Identity (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994):
“At this particular historical moment, it is …show more content…

It is told half from O'Brien's part as a trooper, as a repeat of a few old Vietnam stories, and half from his part as a storyteller, as a talk on the specialty of narrating. O'Brien's account demonstrates that a storyteller has the ability to shape his or her audience members' encounters and assessments. Much similarly that the war twists the warrior's impression of good and bad, His narrating capacities as an ointment that enables him to manage the many-sided quality of the war involvement, such a great amount of even as to turn the tale of Curt Lemon from a war story. Albeit all individuals from the Alpha Company are successfully fighters turned storytellers, O'Brien and Sanders play their part as storytellers more truly than the rest. When he embeds himself into his anecdote about the warriors who hear voices, Sanders acts as a burden, with his remarks and elucidations, where he may have given the picture of the men a chance to justify itself with real evidence. This inconsistency demonstrates that there are no certainties to narrating, even and particularly in obvious war stories. This mutilates the personality of the warriors themselves in the story, however clear up the character of O'Brien himself. These recollections and stories told by the troopers, make that feeling of character that is something that "we think with". This obvious through the activities in …show more content…

Whitman has he theme of individuality while also maintaining a universal identity. At different circumstances all through Song of Myself, he truly appears to demonstrate that every distinct individual has a kind of learning about themselves that shows their rationale and sense yet rather, utilizes their instinct and internal soul. He likewise indicates how every unique individual is their own particular individual, however that every individual is a piece of a greater, widespread personality. Whitman's topic of introspective philosophy interlaced with his principle subject of individual having both individual and widespread personalities is the thing that will be investigated in this nearby perusing examination. Whitman initially demonstrates his topic of uniqueness while having a widespread character in the exceptionally opening segment of Song of Myself.The poem reads “I celebrate myself / And what I assume you shall assume, / For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.”(1-3) As you dig deeper and analyze this passage you can see that Whitman is stating that although he is reveling in his self, he also has an association with all

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