What Is Conformity?

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“I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself.” (Rita Mae Brown) Its not that I actually have a true hatred for myself, it is that I expect more from myself but when it comes down to the moment, talking to the cute girl across the way, or chatting with my boss in a long car ride, that I expect much more from my self than what I actually seem to offer. My life has been filled with a lot of time alone and self reflection and I feel it might be time for a degradation ceremony of my own where I can say goodby to my old self and reintroduce my self before it becomes too late. As a toddler and young boy my social environment was open and active. Playing with other kids on my street or friends from school, whether it was riding bikes or playing video games, I was able to fulfill an active social life connecting and building relationships with multiple friends on a daily basis. It was during these developmental years where I was learning who my friends were and what role I played at school that my parents made the decision to hold me back a year due to the fact that I was in the younger end of my age group. I don 't blame my parents for this choice but ultimately I believe this decision led me to a …show more content…

I found her at lunch the next day and she brought me over to her friends where I meet some of the most interesting people I have ever meet. This group was filled with teen that all studied an art of their choice and partied and had sex as if every weekend was New Years Eve, something completely taboo to a socially awkward church boy. This disconnection left me to being almost more alone sitting with this new group that I have almost no connection

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