Self-Concept: The Impact of Environment and Associations

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Self-concept is the sum total of beliefs that a person has about themselves (Kassin, Fein, & Markus, 2013). The beliefs that we form about ourselves comes from the environment we grew up in and the individuals that we chose to associate with. All human begins want to connect with others on some sort of level. Which may result in some lying. The truth in this comes because when we are able to lie to ourselves makes telling others easier. That is to say that people will always have at least one thing about themselves.
I am an introvert and have a tendency to want to work alone. My astrological sign is a Pisces which could explain why I am intuitive and emotional. I hate that I am emotional attached to things or individuals deeply. I mostly hate …show more content…

It has given me a cynical view on how love and romantic are supposed to work in real life. Although I believe its concepts when it is applied to works of fiction as that is the only place they belong. Within the pages of books or the screen. They gave me a warped perceptions of how individuals are supposed to work within a relationship. Also makes it difficult to allow any form of healthy relationship. Healthy in the sense that there is take a given in the relationship, not one sided (Zapata,).
The ones that have influence my self-concept would be my family. Though it was more on my older brothers than anyone else. This is due to the fact that my mother had always left early in the mornings and was tired when she came home. On the weekends I was see my father with my brother. As a child my brothers were the only constant present that I had before I started school. The friends made in school than becoming a calming …show more content…

To be able to open up to more easily towards others. Or allowing myself to have deeper conversations that go passed the shallow surface of what conversation occur. I know I do not does this as often as I should because I fear any long-term relationship either in friendship or romantic. The thing that I would really like to change is not to run away where emotions are become more vital in continuing a friendship over the years.
It stems from my childhood as all my siblings would leave without a word of where they were going. Also I tend not to want to participate in different groups of people. But I am not internally isolated because I have found friendship with people within fandoms that I considered myself a part of. With people who do not follow the mainstream America, in terms of music or films. My current self-concept affects my communication as do not activity participate in when it does not involve family and friends.
To quote Abed from Community “When you know who you are and what you like about yourself, changing for other people isn’t such a big deal” (Miller & Russo, 2010). Is being able to accept who we are and being fine with it but also willing to change for others without losing part that makes individuals who they

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