The Pros And Cons Of Technology In Education

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Assessment Technology Assessing student progress in the classroom is a vital part in being a good teacher. When teachers assess student progress it allows teachers to not only see how well the students are comprehending the material being taught, but also how well the teacher is instructing his/her class. Without teachers assessing students both through formative and summative assessments teachers have very little way of knowing how well their students are learning and how well they are doing their jobs. There are a ton of ways technology can be used to help teachers assess their students. This essay will cover the different types of technology that can help teachers assess their students and the pros and cons to using technology to do so. Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning Technology can be utilized in many different ways to …show more content…

Students love technology which can make giving them assessments a little more bearable and appealing. Studies have shown that students enjoy classes more when technology is involved and results in better learning (Spurlin, 2006). It is also easy to create and keep track of student progress which makes it simple for the teacher and can be a real time saver. While there are plenty of pros for technology facilitating assessments there are also cons as well. Technology is not always reliable, which means if a teacher is counting solely on the internet for students to take an important test it might not be accessible the day it’s needed. In addition, products and software such as MimioVote cost money. While the idea of this product may be great, depending on the school funds, it might not be available to purchase due to the price. Spurlin continues to add that few have been able to determine whether technology actually improves student learning (2006). Using technology for assessments is no exception when having to weigh the good with the

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