Act 60

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Act 60

Act 60 is a law going through the legal process in the state of Vermont. An act that has the whole state of Vermont in dispute calls for educational revenue sharing. Schools in Vermont tradicually get funding from local property taxes. Some of the schools are in an uproar because their school budget is being cut. Some schools in Vermont are being over populated and their funding remains the same. Some officials have discovered that balancing the educational funding would be the solution. This means that all the local property taxes will be sent to the capital. Then all the money will be spread throughout the state equally. The state is torn in half. Almost the same as 1850, a time of war, the Civil War.

In the article “Revolt of the Gentry” a man is quoted as saying “This is Marxism. It’s leveling everything by decimating what works.” This is true. Conflict perspective is often referred to as Marxism. Karl Marx was the founder of the The Communist Manifesto and activist in the conflict theory. The conflict perspective assumes that social behavior is best understood in terms of conflict or tension between competing groups (Schaefer 11). Marx saw that struggle between classes is inevitable. America has a capitalistic economy. This means that Americans are free to own their own businesses and companies. Americans are also able to sell their properties or services on the free market at an agreed amount with little interference of the government. This is because of capitalism. The citizens of Vermont are being punished by this capitalistic economy. The people of Vermont who are not taking advantage of this great economy are being rewarded. What are these people being rewarded for? This is why the whole state is enraged.

The conflict theory is made up of six major assumptions. The most important is that conflict results from the struggle of scarce and valuable goods. This is what Vermont is fighting for, money. Money is one of the most valuable goods in the United States. Why should the people make most of the money share? These people earned it. The poorest schools are complaining that they have no funding. The reason these schools have a problem is they do not pay as much money in property tax.

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