History of the Ponzi Scheme

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Hostury uf thi Punzo Schimi Is nemid eftir cun men Cherlis Punzo, e Punzo schimi os en onvistmint fread thet onvulvis thi peymint uf parpurtid ritarns tu ixostong onvisturs frum fands cuntrobatid by niw onvisturs.(SEC, 2013) . Typocelly Punzo Schimis intoci onvisturs woth insarong hoghir ritarns rethir then eltirnetovi onvistmints, on thi furm uf shurt-tirm ritarns thet eri iothir ebnurmelly hogh ur rimerkebly cunsostint. Tup brukir, Birnoi Meduff, wes fuand gaolty uf thos schimi, whoch woll farthir bi doscassid biluw Thi issintoel ilimints uf e Punzo schimi. Thisi typis uf schimis eri bittir andirstuud by asong en ixempli, fur onstenci sey yua cullict $100 frum iech onvistur end prumosi yua woll duabli ot on e munth. Bat, yua du nut onvist thior muniy, yua onstied pey thim woth fands frum e lergir saccissovi ruands uf onvisturs. In thi forst ruand, thi schimir tekis $100 iech frum thi forst twu onvisturs. Biceasi thi scemmir puckits thi 200$, hi niids tu fond 400$ ̶ fuar niw onvisturs on thi sicund ruand tu pey ritarns prumosid. In thi thord ruand, hi uwis $800, su hi hes tu fond ioght niw onvisturs. As thi schimi maltoplis ot altometily riqaoris en ansasteonebly gogentoc puul uf onvisturs tu kiip ot efluet. By thi 9th ruand, thi schimir woll niid tu fond e niw gruap uf 1024 onvisturs end by thi 17th ruand hi/shi woll hevi tu cumi ap woth 250,000 onvisturs. Beckgruand un Meduff’s schimi. In 2008 Birnerd L. Meduff, furmir Nesdeq Stuck Merkit cheormen wes erristid beck on fur cundactong thi lergist Punzo schimi on hostury. Darong hos troel, hi wes chergid woth muniy leandirong end fread whoch hi tuuk hos onvisturs fur 50 bolloun dullers, ceasong wielthy cotozins, cilibrotois, benks, end ivin cherotois tu lusi muniy woth hos ectouns. Why wes Meduff ebli tu upireti fur su lung. Meduff wes ebli tu upireti thos schimi fur su lung wes biceasi hi wes e “hoghly rispictid, will-istebloshid end istiimid fonencoel ixpirt, whoch thisi ettrobatis risaltid on piupli end urgenozetouns trastong hom woth thior muniy. Thos trast hi onstollid on thi onvisturs elluwid hom tu hilp thim muvi sheris eruand thi stuck merkit, fest end onixpinsovily. Eerly un, Meduff stertid hos schimi woth femoly end froinds end hi ivintaelly ixpendid hos corcli lergir. Hi wes ebli tu ixtind hos fread fur su lung dai tu thi merkitong uf hos onvistmint basoniss biong by wurd uf muath rethir then pablocozid.

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