Homelessness Case Study

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Introduction This essay will discuss the health problems and health service issues that are associated with homelessness. Homelessness is an increasing concern as a public health issue in many western countries. This is mainly influenced by social factors which affects 100 million worldwide. (Badiaga, 2008). The legal definition of homelessness is associated with the right to a home, irrespective of the home condition and includes sleeping rough and sofa-surfing (Wilson and Mabhala, 2013). The 2002 Homelessness Act recommend the importance for housing authorities to assess and structure strategy for the homeless with different agencies involved to tackle problems such as employment, health, educational achievements and opportunities, also …show more content…

The focus of public health has been shifted according to events and particularly a community making it hard to define. However this makes it crucial to determine the situation under the recent public health, such as health needs assessment, in order for action to be taken with the economic situation, epidemiological transitions related with stigma, demographic status, health literacy and life course approach, and facilitating day-to-day activities (Wilson and Mabhala, 2013). Griffiths et al., (2005) put forward a conceptual model that examine the causes of ill health and disease in populations, using epidemiology and evidence to change what works to change in practice. This includes three strands: information on health improvement about healthy lifestyle or housing improvements ,health service delivery and quality; and primary care services and promotion of health for example immunisation and screening (RCN,

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