Gatsby American Dream

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Happiness is something that Daisy has been chasing her entire life; however, marrying Tom changed her outlook on life. You learn throughout the novel that Tom and Daisy 's relationship is not the most ideal, happy relationship. Tom is abusive towards her, and doesn 't seem to care for her much. Daisy thinks she has everything, wealth, love and happiness which all tie into the American dream; until she discovers that she has nothing and that she has been corrupted by this specific dream. She thought she had all she desired for, but truly realized she had nothing. She had a child, who doesn 't seem important to her at all. The child is never around, which says a lot about Daisy. When her child was born, Daisy said “I’m glad it’s a girl. …show more content…

It becomes evident that this green light is not Daisy, but a symbol representing Gatsby’s dream of having Daisy. The fact that Daisy falls short of Gatsby’s expectations is obvious. Knowing this, one can see that no matter how hard Gatsby tries to live his fantasy, he will never be able to achieve it. Through close examination of the green light, one may learn that the force that empowers Gatsby to follow his lifelong aspiration is that of the American Dream. Fitzgerald uses the green light as a symbol of hope, money, and jealousy. Gatsby looks up to the American dream and follows it so he can be the picture perfect man that every girl desires. Gatsby cares a lot about how people see him, and his appearance towards others. He wants everything to look perfect for Daisy, as he wants Daisy to view him as a perfect man. “We both looked down at the grass – there was a sharp line where my ragged lawn ended and the darker, well-kept expanse of his began. I suspected he meant my grass.” This presents the theme of appearance vs. reality and how Gatsby wants everything to look nice and presentable for when he meets up with Daisy for the first time in five years. Gatsby becomes corrupted because his main goal is to have Daisy. He felt that he needed to have an enormous mansion to feel confident enough to try and get Daisy. Gatsby was blinded by the American dream and as a result of this, causes destruction of himself. He didn’t end up getting what he wanted because the American dream took over who he truly

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